Where can I find LongoMatch opensource?

Creado por Support Longomatch, Modificado el Mie, 25 Oct, 2023 a 10:41 A. M. por Support Longomatch

Unfortunately, Fluendo no longer offers or maintains the LongoMatch Open Source version

Now you are able to enjoy Longomatch for free through the Longomatch Basic Plan. If you prefer to keep using the Open Source version, feel free to do so, however, we will not be able to support you in case you have problems. We will no longer launch updates for this version either, so eventually you will see that some functionalities will not work. 

Note that, if you download and install Longomatch Basic, your Longomatch Open Source will be deleted from your computer as we use the same database so you can open your projects with the latest version of Longomatch.

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